#11 Ads Have More of an Impact Than T.V. Shows.

April 10, 2010 at 11:28 pm (Uncategorized)

After watching the following commercial last night;

I took in to consideration that the most remembered commercials are typically animation due to their far stretched plots in which they can bend all rules in order to sell a product. For most of the part due to their high animation levels it is successful. how many of you have seen the cartoon presented above and had an urge to buy the M&M’s due to the commercial having a deeper impact?  I know that I do.

Here are a few other commercials that stick inside your head and urge to buy their products.

As we have learned within the class and the text, earlier productions of animation had an easier way of distinguishing if the show was well like or not. Now with the prevision and movies you can only judge by the ratings but never get an feeling of how people truly felt about the movie. In order to have a hire ticket sell or rating you have to promote the shows, if you fail in promoting you fail in the the overall quality. This has now stretched into the world of advertisements knowing that they way you promote helps with profit. Most of the products we use in our home about 50% of them were influenced by some type of advertisement. According to Maltin 1980, ” It seems that all the care and creativity go into the making of television commercials not television shows. Innovations in design animation, and humor can more often be found in commercials than in the shows they interrupt.”

Majority of the commercials have a character in which you can relate to, such as the following clip;

This cute little bunny gives a unique charm that grabs your attention. The give you a character in which people can relate to which in returns sells more products. When you would like to see a well exquisite and appealing animation all you have to do is wait for the commercials.


Maltin, Leonard. Of Mice and Magic. Plume Books, 1980. Print.

Commented on Bonnie Hansen and Sarah Askri Blogs.

1 Comment

  1. Cory said,

    I think Maltin’s quote about ads vs. shows is a little bit correct. True, commercials do have a lasting impression on us, but TV shows do as well, and there is no way that a >30 sec. ad can entail more preparation than an entire episode, let alone a season of a show. What’s more, is many ads, like the M&M’s one, operate off of the viewer’s knowledge of already existing pop culture, so half of the work is already done. True, there are the few ads that I legitimately like, but I’d never give the advertising more credit over forms of art. In the end, advertising all has the same goal, where shows and films have the same goal, being sold, along with making a good, entertaining final product. They are similar, yes, but commercials never win out in the end.

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